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Bar: Barristers

The Jack Ross team are fully versed in the accounting and taxation idiosyncrasies of your profession. Providing a “one stop shop” for all your accountancy and taxation compliance needs together with the availability of advanced tax planning advice.

We promise a proactive approach to your compliance and planning requirements and will provide an all inclusive fee covering the preparation of annual accounts and income tax returns.

Our team of accountants offer unbiased and relevant financial planning advice that fully integrates with tax planning (this advice is provided by Concerva Limited, a company authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority, which is owned and run by the partners of Jack Ross).

We are also able to offer you balanced and considered advise as to whether Incorporation could present an opportunity for you to benefit financially not just in the short, but in the medium and long term too.

Jack Ross will help you to minimise your tax bill and make the most of your income by:

  • Managing your financial responsibilities as a barrister;
  • Claiming all the benefits and allowances available to you;
  • Dealing with the complex issues of VAT;
  • Preparing your Practice accounts as well as your tax return;
  • Preparing Property Rental Statements;
  • Capital tax planning covering both capital gains tax and inheritance tax;
  • Payroll services for Nannies;
  • We offer a tax enquiry insurance;

If you would like to find out more call the  Jack Ross team today on 0161 832 4451.