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Cobbler’s Shoes!

As you may know, in 1948 Mr Jack Ross started his chartered accountancy practice. A few years later he went into partnership with Ged Lanigan, and then Les Jacobs. There have been many changes over those sixty six years, but one thing that has remained constant is the practice has remained a partnership.

They say that cobbler never mends his own shoes! We have been advising clients for well over a decade that incorporation has many advantages, not least the tax savings to be had. And finally we have now taken our own advice.

We are pleased to announce that from next Monday we will incorporate and become Jack Ross Limited.

Clients and suppliers will not see any tangible changes. The staff and partners remain; the office address, telephone number and email addresses won’t change. We will refer to ourselves as partners, rather than directors. And even the VAT number will remain the same.

It will be business as usual for our clients and contacts but it is important that we inform you of this change.

If you have any questions about our incorporation, or incorporation in general, then please call us  on 0161 832 4451.