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Jack Ross Away Day 2023

Training and Development – Jack Ross Leadership Academy

On Wednesday, Jack Ross held its annual away day with all staff enjoying an afternoon of games, learning and delicious food at the Cosy Club in Manchester City Centre.

Jack Ross Chartered Accountants Managing Partner and Leadership Academy founder Umar Memon led the activities, focussing on teambuilding and developing vital skills to improve the efficiency and quality of the hard work carried out every day by our dedicated team.

To kick off proceedings, everyone had a delicious meal accompanied by some intriguing ice-breaker conversation cards. After everyone was suitably well-fed and settled into the afternoon, the training began. A particular emphasis was placed on the importance of setting clear goals before completing a task, with the mantras ‘Start with The End in Mind’, ‘Plan Your Work Then Work Your Plan’ and ‘By Failing to Prepare You are Preparing to Fail’ adorning the posters specially designed and printed for the event. These mantras were put into action with a series of challenges involving Lego and jigsaw puzzles.

The staff were split into four teams, given instructions, and asked to produce a detailed guide on how they were completing each objective alongside carrying out the task itself. Initially, the instructions proved difficult and obtuse, but eventually, all staff members worked together to complete their tasks.

Some people naturally gravitated towards leadership roles, whilst others preferred to ensure that the step-by-step process was accurately documented. Everyone participated enthusiastically and learnt a lot from the session, judging by the extensive positive feedback given afterwards.

The main takeaway was to carefully analyse what is expected of you and ask for clarification effectively – simply asking for further instructions from one of the Senior Leadership Team solved almost 100% of the problem immediately! In a wider learning session at the end, everyone wrote out their goals moving forward, reflecting critically and carefully on what they’ve been doing right in work, what they could improve on and what the long-term outcome they are striving for looks like.

The lucky winning team will be treated to a Nandos chicken dinner in the coming weeks. A series of tongue-in-cheek prizes were handed out to the rest of the teams – including the dubious honour of performing an accountancy-themed TikTok dance for the rest of the firm!

All in all, a great day was had by all, and it served as a timely morale-booster as we move into a very busy part of the financial year.

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