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One month until Real Time Information (RTI) begins

RTI comes into force for some employers and pension providers in April and for all employers by October. Are you doing all you can to prepare?

Designed to modernise the PAYE process and to support the new Universal Credit welfare system, RTI will require employers to tell HMRC about PAYE payments in real-time when they are made, and not at the end of the tax year. Some tax forms will change or be discontinued completely.

Changes we can help with include:

  • Getting your payroll and employee information accurate and up-to-date
  • Checking internal business processes to prepare for RTI
  • Discussing possible software providers to help with PAYE reporting in real-time
  • Payroll alignment – supplying an extract of payroll records to HMRC
  • The changes regarding new starter and leaver processes.

Talk to us to see how else we can help you with RTI.