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Staff at Jack Ross entered the ‘Dragons’ Den’ when they attended the launch of a campaign to raise £250,000 for the New Children’s Hospital Appeal. Fronted by uber-successful entrepreneur and star of Dragons’ Den Theo Paphitis, the launch of the Many Hands Campaign, which is being sponsored by Jack Ross, took place at Manchester Town Hall.

The event was attended by around 300 members of the north west business community, including 30 Jack Ross employees and company partners Umar Memon, Chris Williams and Peter Black, who spoke at the event. Jack Ross are sponsoring the year long Many Hands Campaign in honour of their 60th anniversary this year.

Jack Ross managing partner Peter said the launch event was a great success and Theo had shared some of the secrets to having a high- flying business through an entertaining question and answer session. Peter said: “Theo was fantastic and I’m sure that all those who attended will have been sold on joining the Many Hands Campaign.

“He talked about growing up in Trafford and Gorton in Manchester, and answered questions from business leaders keen to know the secrets of his success. It was a wonderful event and it really got the campaign off to the best possible start.”

The aim of the Many Hands Campaign is to engage 250 businesses, especially SMEs, to each raise £1000 for the New Children’s Hospital Appeal over the course of a year – collectively raising £250,000. This money will go towards accommodation for parents whose children are being treated at the new hospital, which is due to open on Oxford Road, Manchester next year. The money will also fund specialist equipment for treatment and diagnosis at what will be the biggest children’s hospital in the country.

Also answering questions at the launch event was Maurice Watkins, chairman of the New Children’s Hospital Appeal and a director at Manchester United.

To join the Many Hands Campaign you can download a registration form from the Jack Ross website or go to