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Time to review your business plan?

Whether you have been in business for decades, or are in the fledgling stages, reviewing your business plan at the start of the year can help you to get, and/or stay, on track.

We can help you to do this, and our objective view can often work wonders when it comes to taking a step back and re-assessing your goals and how to achieve them.

Points to consider when reviewing your business plan for 2012 include:

  1. How did the business perform against last year’s plan?
  2. What are your key opportunities and challenges for the year ahead?
  3. What have been your biggest successes or failures over the last year?
  4. Has the last year seen any relevant changes to your market, competition or customers?
  5. Are there any changes that need to be made as a result of the above?

Your business finances, budgeting and forecasting go hand in hand with your business planning, and the following also need to be reviewed in the same light:

  • Cashflow projections
  • Profit projections
  • Balance sheet projections

Reviewing and realism are just two of the keys to efficient planning and growth – we can help you with this – and we want to help you to succeed. Please contact us to find out more.