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Jack Ross’ office manager Wendy Ainsworth has been rewarded for her loyalty after clocking up 25 years of service at the firm.Wendy, who lives in Carr House Road, Springhead, with husband Gary and son Paul, 11, was presented with a silver watch by the partners of Jack Ross. She joined the company when she was just 17 as an accounts clerk and has remained dedicated to the company ever since.

Wendy, who is 42, said: “Many of the faces around me have changed over the years, but one thing has remained the same – the fact that I really enjoy my work at Jack Ross.”


Peter Black, managing partner at Jack Ross, thanked Wendy for her 25 years of dedication and hard work. He said: “Wendy is a wonderful employee who has displayed a great deal of loyalty to the company which we appreciate enormously.”

Jack Ross Chartered Accountants is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year and to celebrate is sponsoring the New Children’s Hospital Appeal’s Many Hands Campaign