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Checklist: promoting positive mental health

Key things you can do to help maintain the mental health of your employees and help those with mental health problems remain in work and productive include:

  1. Spot the signs. This may initially mean taking a note of what you see as you walk around or in team meetings and then choosing the right moment to intervene.
  2. Engage with the problem. There are some good practical steps you can take to help with coping strategies and some legal requirements you need to bear in mind. For example, your duty to make reasonable workplace adjustments to the working environment in certain circumstances.
  3. Keep a watching brief. This does not necessarily mean passively observing, although in some circumstances this may be the best option. Promote awareness of mental health issues and create a culture where employees feel they can talk to you about their concerns. Keeping communication channels open is critical.

But be careful not to:

  • Give advice about a mental health problem unless you are qualified to
  • Disclose a person’s condition without their consent
  • Feel guilty – instead focus on identifying any work-related causes of the problem.