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Here’s to a fabulous 2021…

A person holding a present.

2020 has been a year that none of us could have predicted, and it has come with challenges for us all. I would personally like to thank you for continuing to work with Jack Ross during this time and I hope that we have been able to support you during this difficult time.

The vaccine is now rolling out and so it finally feels like we have some good news on the horizon and normality to some extent may return in the New Year.

Whilst writing, if you haven’t submitted your personal tax information to us, please make it a priority.

We are still working remotely and, as you can imagine, this impacts on how quickly we can process personal tax returns.

We can’t guarantee we will be able to complete your return in time if we don’t receive the information from you by the first week in January.

I look forward to working together once again in 2021.

Enjoy the festive break with your family, and here’s to a prosperous 2021.

We’re happy to advise on any issues, please feel free to call us on 0161 832 4451 or drop us a line